New in this Release
Quality Management Suite (QMS) 7.0 is a major upgrade with many enhancements and feature differences to prior versions of the software.
UI Upgrade
A brand new and improved UI
- Modified class CallRexFileTransferService; added three constructors.
- Modified class RealTimeUserStat; added three public properties:
- PairedRecordingServer.
- HighAvailabilityNodeName.
- RecordingFlags.
- Modified class ExtendedRealtimeUserState; Added five new public properties:
- Location
- Department
- WindowsLogin
- MachineName
- LastComputerLoginTime
- Added method GetCallCountsWithUserUtcOffset to return report data honoring the timeZone display preference.
- Added method GetUsersNotRecordedWithUserUtcOffset to return report data honoring timeZone display preference.
- Added method GetComputerRecordingsWithUserUtcOffset to return screen recordings honoring the timeZone display preference.
- Added method GetRecordedMediaForSupervisorWithUserUtcOffset to return recording media honoring the timeZone display preference.
- Added method GetAgentEvalRecordedMediaWithUserUtcOffset to retrieve a list of recorded media based on the passed criteria that have been converted and have not been blocked and that honor the timeZone display preference.
- Added method LoginUsingWebClientToken to support logging in with a security token.
- Added method GetFlagProfile to return a FlagProfileDetails object matching the profileID.
- Added method PrepareCallRecordingForStream to Locate, retrieve and host a call recording for playback at a client.
- Added method ReleaseComputerRecordingStreamResources to release any resources involved in hosting a screen recording for playback at a client.
- Added method HostZippedRecordingFilesForDownload to create, retrieve and host a zipped file containing multitple recordings for download via the web client.
- Added method ReleaseZippedRecordingFileResources to releases any zipped files hosted in IIS for the designated client.
- Added method HostCallRecordingChainForDownload to create, retrieve and host an audio file containing the recordings in a call chain for download via the web client.
- Added method GetGeneralSecuritySettings to return object describing configured security policies.
- Added method GetScorecard to return the object matching the specified scorecardID.
- Added method TestSmtpEmailSettings to originate a test email using current email config; returns EmailServerTestResults object.
- Added class EmailServerTestResults to indicate success or failure of email test.
- Added enumeration type UserTimeDisplayPreferenceType to support the Time Zone Display preference feature.
- Added class CallRecordingURIInformation to support new method of hosting of call recordings.
- Modified method Login; can return two new Faults:
- Added fault AccountLockoutFault
- Added fault PasswordExpiredFault
- Modified method ChangePassword; can generate five new faults:
- Added fault MinPasswordLengthNotMetFault
- Added fault NoNumeralInPasswordFault
- Added fault NoLetterInPasswordFault
- Added fault NoMixedCaseLettersInPasswordFault
- Added fault NoSymbolInPasswordFault
- Modified method AddUser; deprecated 1 existing fault and added five new faults:
- Deprecacted existing fault DuplicateDeletedUserFault.
- Added fault MinPasswordLengthNotMetFault
- Added fault NoNumeralInPasswordFault
- Added fault NoLetterInPasswordFault
- Added fault NoMixedCaseLettersInPasswordFault
- Added fault NoSymbolInPasswordFault
- Modified method UpdateUser; can return five new faults:
- Added fault MinPasswordLengthNotMetFault
- Added fault NoNumeralInPasswordFault
- Added fault NoLetterInPasswordFault
- Added fault NoMixedCaseLettersInPasswordFault
- Added fault NoSymbolInPasswordFault
- Modifed method SetLicenseKey; can generate two new faults:
- Added fault TokenMismatchFault
- Added fault LicenseExpirationFault
- Modified method DeleteRecording; added fault RecordingUsedByEvaluationFault.
- Modified method PrepareComputerRecordingForStream; added fault MediaConversionInProgressFault.
- Modified method UpdateScorecard; added fault DuplicateScorecardTitleFault.
- Modified method AddScorecard; added fault DuplicateScorecardTitleFault.
- Modified class LastCallItem; added TimeZoneUtcOffsetTicks member variable.
- Modified class BatchAnalyticsProfileListItem; added MemberCount member variable.
- Modified class UserListItem …
- Added public property WindowsUserName.
- Added constructor UserListItem that allows initialization of the windowsUserName parameter.
- Modified class DataSourceListItem; modified constructor with addition of new datasourcehost parameter.
- Modified class Scorecard; added constructor that takes an AE_Scorecard parameter.
- All classes and methods with names that contained “VocalCoach” have been renamed to instead use “LiveAnalytics”…
- Deprecated method GetVocalCoachProfileList; superceded by GetLiveAnalyticsProfileList.
- Deprecated method GetVocalCoachProfile; superceded by GetLiveAnalyticsProfile.
- Deprecated method AddVocalCoachProfile; superceded by AddLiveAnalyticsProfile.
- Deprecated method UpdateVocalCoachProfile; superceded by UpdateLiveAnalyticsProfile.
- Deprecated method DeleteVocalCoachProfile; superceded by DeleteLiveAnalyticsProfile.
- Deprecated method SetDefaultVocalCoachProfile; superceded by SetDefaultLiveAnalyticsProfile.
- Deprecated enumeration type ProfileType.VocalCoach; superceded by ProfileType. LiveAnalytics.
- Deprecated class VocalCoachProfileListItem class; superceded by LiveAnalyticsProfileListItem class.
- Deprecated method SecurityProfileDetails.HasAdministerVocalCoachProfilesPermission; superceded by SecurityProfileDetails.HasAdministerLiveAnalyticsProfilesPermission.
- Modified class SavedReport; added new member variable ReportName.
- Modifed class FlagProfileDetails; added new member variable MemberCount.
- Modified class RecordedCallContainer; added four new public properties:
- Department
- Location
- RecorderUtcOffset
- Rejected
- Modified class ComputerRecordingContainer; added two new public properties:
- RecorderUtcOffset
- Rejected
- Modified class UserDetails; deprecated the HighAvailabilityNodeName public property.
- Modified LicenseType enumeration type:
- Deprecated ComputerRecording; superceded by ScreenRecording
- Deprecated ComputerRecordingHighAvailability; superceded by ScreenRecordingHighAvailability
- Deprecated ConcurrentComputerRecording; superceded by ConcurrentScreenRecording
- Deprecated ConcurrentComputerRecordingHighAvailability; superceded by ConcurrentScreenRecordingHighAvailability
- Added method GetLocalStorageLocations to get a list of localStorageLocations for the specified serviceID.
- Added method CreateSrceenRecordingWithUtcOffset to support Time Zone Display Preference feature. Saves start and stop times as UTC along with recorder’s UTC offset.
- Added class GeneralSecuritySettings to support management of login behavior.
- Added class PasswordPolicies to support configuration of password requirements.
- Modified method CreateSrceenRecording; added new localStorageLocationId parameter.
- Modified class ServiceSettings; added four new public properties:
- FromEmailAddress
- HighAvailabilityAssociatedServiceIPAddress
- HighAvailabilityAssociatedServiceHostName
- RecordInStereo
- Modified class GeneralSettings; added two new public properties:
- SecuritySettings
- RecordInOpus
- Modified class EmailSettings; changed default value of SmtpPort member variable to 587 (from 25).
- Modifed class ScreenRecordingProfileDetails; added two new public properties:
- MemberUserIds
- apiControlEnabled
- All classes and methods with names that contained “VocalCoach” have been renamed to instead use “LiveAnalytics”…
- Deprecated method GetVocalCoachProfileList; superceded by GetLiveAnalyticsProfileList.
- Deprecated class VocalCoachProfileDetails; superceded by LiveAnalyticsProfileDetails.
- Deprecated class VocalCoachProfileRuleDetails; superceded by LiveAnalyticsProfileRuleDetails.
- Added method UpdateCallRecordingEntryUsingUtcTimeStamps; includes recorder’s UTC offset in TimeSpan.Ticks.
- Added method UpdateConvertedCallRecordingEntryUsingUtcTimeStamp; includes recorder’s UTC offset in TimeSpan.Ticks.