Exporting Recorded Calls

Users with the Export Recording permission in their Security Profile can export call recordings. You can export a recorded call as a standard .OPUS or .MP3 file and save it on your computer. This allows you to listen to the call even when you are not logged on to the Quality Management Client. The file can be played on any standard media player.

To export recorded calls click the navigation icon. The Recordings tab displays containing the search criteria bar and the search results table. To export a call recording complete the following steps:

  1. Define the search criteria.
  2. Click the Search button. The call recordings satisfying the search criteria are listed.
  3. Left click the call recording you wish to export and click the Export Media button in the context menu. You may also left click and drag to select multiple recordings to export at once.

  1. The browser will download the recording. Depending on your browser settings you may select where to download the file to, otherwise it will be downloaded to your Downloads folder.

Exporting multiple recordings will combine all the recordings into a single .ZIP archive before downloading.

A call recording can also be exported from the recording details tab. Open the drop down menu located at the top right of the recording details tab and click the Export Media menu item.

See Also:

Listing Recorded Calls

Playing Recorded Calls

Exporting Recording Chain Segments

Exporting Screen Recordings

Exporting Search Results