Search Recordings
To search recordings click the navigation icon. The Recordings tab displays containing the search criteria bar and the search results table. A Full Text search option is also available if this feature has been enabled. To perform a standard search complete the following steps:
- Define the search criteria.
- Click the Search button. The recordings satisfying the search criteria are listed.
The Search results table displays containing the following data columns:
Column | Description |
Chain |
An icon indicating the recording type:
Start Time | The icon indicates that the recording is a member of the recording chain. |
First Name | The date and time at which the call started. The date displayed depends on your preferences for time zone display. |
Last Name | The user's first name. |
Extension | The user's last name. |
Inbound ID * | The user's extension number. |
Inbound Name * | The inbound ID number (e.g. caller ID) |
DNIS * | The DNIS. This is typically the number dialed by the caller, but sometimes, depending on the PBX, it is a route-point identifier instead. For example, an external phone number might reach an internal route-point extension 1111, which the contact center application knows routes to a group of agents. In that case, 1111 might be displayed. |
Outbound ID * | The outbound ID number (e.g. the number dialed by the user). |
Outbound Name * | The outbound name |
Length | The duration of the call. |
End Time | The date and time at which the call ended. The date displayed depends on your preferences for time zone display. |
Flag Name | The name of the flag applied to the recording search. |
Flag Value | The value of the flag applied to the recording search. |
File Location | The path to the daily call record subfolders. |
File Name | The name of the subfolder and file containing the recording. |
External Ref * | An external reference for the recording (e.g. a PBX-specific call identifier for call recordings or a computer name for screen recordings) |
File Hash | A unique has used to verify the recording has not been tampered with. |
Transfer From | Indicates the recording has been transferred from the original recording server. |
Recorded By | "System" if the call is recorded automatically (according to a profile); otherwise, the user name for user-initiated recordings. |
Department | The department of the user. |
Location | The location of the user. |
Time zone | The time zone offset to UTC of the recording server where the recording was made. |
Recording Server Name | The name of the recording server where the recording originated. |
System Flags | Any system flag can also be selected and viewed as a column. |
* What is actually displayed depends on the data output by your PBX.
You can hide or display columns in the search results table by clicking the Table Options link and selecting the columns to display |
Click on a search result to select it. You can click and drag to select multiple results. Left click on a selected search result to bring up the context menu:
The search results context menu contains the following commands:
- Preview is not available for screen recordings.
- Details to play the screen recording or view and edit any flags or notes applied to the screen recording.
- Export Media to copy the screen recording to a WEBM file on your computer.
- Start Evaluation to create a new evaluation using the screen recording.
- Reject to mark the screen recording as not suitable for evaluations.
- Delete to permanently delete the screen recording.
The Start Evaluation and Reject commands are only available to users licensed to perform Agent Evaluations. |
Defining Recording Search Criteria
Restricting a User’s Recording View based on Flags