Administration | Evaluation Scorecards | Moving Scorecards

Moving Scorecards

Scorecards are listed under their category alphabetically. Moving a scorecard will place it under a new category, in alphabetical order with the other scorecards under that category.

Users with the Create Scorecard permission in their Security Profile can move scorecards.

To move scorecards click the navigation icon and then click the Evaluation Scorecards link from the administration sub-menu. The Scorecards tab displays containing the list of scorecards. To move a scorecard complete the following steps:

  1. Expand the scorecard categories on the scorecard table until you find the scorecard you need to edit, then click the Move link on the selected scorecard.

  1. The Destination Category dialog will display.

  1. Select the new category to move the scorecard into and click the Ok button.

You cannot change a flag to have the same name as one that already exists in the Flag Profile.


See Also:

Adding Scorecards

Editing Scorecards

Inactivating Scorecards

Deleting Scorecards

Scorecard Questions

Scorecard Categories