Administration | General Settings | Notifications


Users with the Change System Settings permission in their Security Profile can edit the general settings.

To edit the general settings click the navigation icon and then click the General link from the administration sub-menu. The General tab displays. To edit the notification settings, complete the following fields of the Notifications section.

  1. You can choose to send notifications to the Windows event log, to an email address list, or both. Click the Windows Event Log Alerts check box, Use Emails Alerts, or both.
  2. When you select the Use Email Alerts check box, you will be asked information about the SMTP Server, SMTP Port and From Email Address that will be sending the notifications.
  3. Enter in one or more Alert Email Address(es) that should receive notifications, separate by commas.
  4. Select the Alert Language in which notification alerts should be sent.
  5. If the SMTP server requires the user sending the emails to be authenticated, then check the SMTP Server requires authentication check box.
  6. Enter in the User name and Password if required by the SMTP server.
  7. Click the Save button to save the settings.

See also:

General Settings