Defining Call Retention Settings

The Call Retention Settings allows the administrator to define the following attributes for a Call Recording Profile.

The Call Retention Settings reduce the amount of disk space used to store call records.

To define the Call Retention Settings, complete the following steps.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Administration > Call Recording Profiles.

  2. Click the Add button to create a new Call Recording Profile or select a preexisting Call Recording Profile and click the Edit button . The Call Recording Profile page displays.

  3. Select Automatically delete calls less than [  ] seconds and enter a value to prevent Quality Management from storing calls with less than a specified duration. The setting takes effect from the moment you define it. Call recorded earlier are not deleted.

  4. Select Automatically delete calls older than [ ] days and enter a value to delete calls older than the specified number of days. The calls are deleted 24 hours after you define this value. If you enter 0, calls are retained indefinitely.

  5. In the Actions bar, click the Save button.

See Also:

Call Recording Profiles - Adding, Deleting, and Configuring

Creating Call Recording Profiles

Setting the Default Call Recording Profile

Editing Call Recording Profiles

Deleting Call Recording Profiles

Call Recording Rules

Defining a Call Recording Schedule

Assigning Users to Call Recording Profiles