Transcription Domain Language Mode Settings
Transcription Domain Language Model Settings
Domain Language Models (LMs) can be created on the Nuance Transcription Engine (NTE) and then utilized during translation. Domain LMs are used for specialty words and phrases that relate to a specific domain such as banking or mathematics. These language models must be created and trained on the NTE server. The settings here simply pass the name and/or URL of the Domain LM along with the transcription request.
To enable sending the Domain LM, click the enable checkbox.
Language Model Weight – Select the weight that is to be used when transcribing. The options are lowest, low, optimal, high, and highest.
Language Model Name – This field is required and should be the name that is generated by the NTE Domain Language Model training.
Language Model URL – This field is a full URL relative to the NTE server that specifies where the Domain Language Model exists. If this is not provided, the NTE server will assume the language model is local.
To enable sending the Domain LM, click the enable checkbox.
Language Model Weight – Select the weight that is to be used for when transcribing. The options are lowest, low, optimal, high, and highest.
Language Model Name – This field is required and should be the name that is generated by the NTE Domain Language Model training.
Language Model URL – This field is a full URL relative to the NTE server that specifies where the Domain Language Model exists. If this is not provided, the NTE server will assume the language model is local.
See also:
On Demand Transcription Settings