Understanding the Integration

The goal of Quality Management and Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Integration is to support endpoint recording and monitoring along with the existing features of Quality Management.

System overview

Quality Management application comprises of the following services:

System architecture

The system components communicate and coordinate with each other in distributed architecture using Messaging protocol.

Based on the current architecture of Quality Management, Status service should always be unique in the network of services. We can have multiple CallControl, CallRecording, and CallConversion services. A user is assigned to a single CallRecording service which has associations with CallControl and CallConversion services. Hence every user has CallControl, CallRecording, and CallConversion services performing all the call related activity for the user.

To support call recording over OCS 2007 the above architecture observes changes as depicted in Sub-Section Modifications to the architecture.

Modifications to the architecture and components to support OCS 2007 R2

Modified components


RTP Data Collector

See Also:


Configuring CallRex for OCS 2007 R2

Deployment Options for RTP Data Collector