Scheduling Archive Tasks

To schedule a new archive task, complete the following steps.

  1. Click the Schedule button in the Actions section underneath Archive Tasks. A new tab displays for you to configure the archive task.

  2. In this tab, configure the following information for a new archive task:

  3. After you configure the archive settings, click the Save button.

To add a new archive destination location, complete the following steps.

There are two methods for selecting users:

When using the Select Users option you can choose from one or many users to archive. Only recordings associated with the selected users will be included in the archive task. You can also filter the displayed list of users using the following criteria:

Archive criteria

The criteria for an archive includes the following:

Schedule options

The schedule options include the following, complete the following steps.

Archive source locations

Choose from one or many source locations to archive. Source locations only appear in the list if the location contains recordings. Only locations selected will have recordings included in the archive task. Also, when using the Oldest X days and All but Newest X Days archive criteria the dates are calculated using the newest and oldest recordings that exist on the selected source locations.

When you add a new Data Collector to your Quality Management environment or change the local storage location of any Quality Management Server, update the source location list of any archive task that you want to include in the new source location.

See Also:


Editing an Archive Task

Cancelling an Archive Task

Configuring Email Notifications for Archive Tasks Status