
Archiving allows you to move call recordings or computer recordings from one storage location to another for long term storage. You can schedule archives to occur either one time in the future or on a recurring basis following a defined schedule to allow more control over where and how to store your call and computer recordings.

This section of the Help describes:

Viewing the location of existing recordings

To view the location of existing recordings, complete the following steps.

  1. Log into the Quality Management Client using an account that has Change System Settings permissions.

  2. Navigate to the Archive section of the Quality Management Client. In the Archive section a list of storage locations display.

This list shows all of the currently configured storage locations that contain call or computer recordings and the following information.

In addition to the list of storage locations there is a list of archive tasks:

This list provides the following information:

Non-recurring archives are removed from the list as soon as they complete.