Importing/Exporting User Details

To save you time and effort, you can import the details of multiple users into the Quality Management Suite. This is useful when you are editing multiple users or moving them from one computer to another. Typically, you import users from a file created by exporting them from a Quality Management installation. However, as the file only contains comma-separated text, you can create it by any means and be able to import its data so long as it has a correct filename extension and format.

Quality Management import/export files have a .CSV extension, and contains records consisting of the following fields:




First Name


First name of the User.

Last Name


Last name of the User.



Any extension

User ID


Needs to be empty to add User as a new user. When User information is exported, this field contains a unique value that identifies the User in the Quality Management database.

Agent ID


Identification name or number of the User.

Department Name


Name of the User's department.

User Name


Assigned User name.



Encrypted User password.

Security Profile Name


Security profile assigned to the User.

Recording Profile Name


Recording profile assigned to the User.

Phone IP


IP of phone.

Is User Active


0=Inactive, 1=Active.

Recording Service IP Address


IP address of the machine hosting recording service.

Unlimited License


Call Recording license allocation:
0=Not assigned.
Must be the converse of the On-Demand License setting.

On-Demand License


On-demand Recording license allocation: 0=Not assigned
Must be the converse of the On-Demand License setting.

Computer Recording License


Computer Recording license allocation: 0=Not assigned

Windows Login

Only when using Enghouse Interactive Computer Recording

Windows domain login ID in DOMAIN\Username format.


Only for Microsoft OCS 2007 PBX

Session Initiation Protocol Uniform Resource Identifier, written as:
sip:x@y (where x is the Username or Extension and y is the domain or IP address of the host).

Salt Value

CallRex 4.1 and above

Salt value for Password.



Geographic location of User

Additional Extensions

Only for TAPI configurations

Comma separated list of User's other extensions.

Lookback Enabled


1=Enabled, 0=Disabled

Privacy Enabled


1=Enabled, 0=Disabled

Private Extensions

Only for Cisco SCCP

Comma-separated list of User's extensions that aren't recorded.

Dual Endpoints Enabled

Only for Cisco SCCP

1=Enabled, 0=Disabled.

Phone IP

Only for Cisco SCCP

User's secondary endpoint; recorded if dual endpoints are enabled.


Some of the fields are included for backward-compatibility.

Importing user details

You can import details of multiple users from a CSV file.

To import multiple users, complete the following steps.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Administration > Users. The Users page displays.

  2. In the Actions bar, click the Import button. The Windows Explorer Open browser displays.

  3. Browse to select the .CSV file and click Open. The records are imported. During import the number of records imported and the total number to be imported are displayed in the Actions bar so that you can see how the import is progressing.

All successfully imported user records are delayed in the users list.

Exporting user details

You can export details of multiple users to a CSV file.

To export multiple users, complete the following steps.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Administration > Users. The Users page displays.

  2. In the Actions bar, click the Export button. The Windows Explorer Save As browser displays.

  3. Enter a name in the File Name field and click the Save button. A message is displays when the export is complete.

  4. In the message, click OK.

See Also:

Adding Users

Editing Users

Deleting Users

Activating/Inactivating Users

Managed Users

Assigning Users to Call Recording Profiles

Changing Passwords