Deleting Users

Deleting a user removes the user and all their associated call data from the Quality Management Client.

By deleting a user their assigned license can be reused. However, you can also free-up a license by removing it from the user: simply edit the user and de-select the appropriate Enghouse Interactive Call Recording license check box.

To delete a user, complete the following steps.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Administration > Users. The Users list displays.
    Tip: You can use the Department and Location filters to restrict the user data displayed. You can also filter the display to contain only those Users who are active: select the Active Users Only check box to view only active Users.

  2. Select the user from the Users list.

  3. Click the Delete button. A confirmation request displays.

  4. Click Yes to delete the user and all their call data.

See Also:

Adding Users

Editing Users

Activating/Inactivating Users

Managed Users

Assigning Users to Call Recording Profiles

Importing/Exporting User Details

Changing Passwords