Creating an Evaluation

Administrators and managers can create an evaluation to asses the performance and skills of their staff.

To create an evaluation, complete the following steps.

  1. Click the Create Evaluation button under the Agent Evaluation section of the menu bar. The Create Evaluation page displays.

  2. In section 1 of the Create Evaluation page select one or many users from the user list to search calls to use in the evaluation. The user list contains your managed users that are currently logged in and have an Agent Evaluation license. Administrators are able to view all users that have an Agent Evaluation license. The user list can be filtered by department and location.

  3. In section 2 select a scorecard from the list of scorecards that have been created. The scorecards are grouped by scorecard category.

  4. In section 3 select a media item by first defining the search criteria. You can view all records or just those that satisfy the search criteria that you define.

    Tip: You may need to click Show Criteria to display the controls for defining search criteria.

  5. Set one or more of the following:

  6. Optionally, select Retrieve only one random media item from results list to show only one random media item from the results that would be retrieved by the search criteria. If the selected Media Type is All, the returned result will be one item that is either a call recording or a screen recording.

  7. Click the Search button. The records satisfying the search are listed. You can view the following data columns:




    Play button that allows playback of the media item.


    Image icon that indicates if a recording is a call or a screen recording.


    The Link Image icon indicates that the recording is a member of the recording chain.

    Start Time

    The date and time at which the recording started.

    First Name

    The user's first name.

    Last Name

    The user's last name.


    "In" if the call is an inbound call. "Out" if the call is an outbound call.


    The user's extension number.

    Caller ID #

    The caller ID number, used to trigger call recording.

    Caller ID Name

    The caller ID name, used to trigger call recording.


    The DNIS. This is typically the number dialed by the caller, but depending on the PBX - it is a route-point identifier instead. For example, an external phone number might reach an internal route-point extension 1111, which the contact center application knows routes to a group of agents. In that case, 1111 is possibly displayed.

    Outbound #

    The number dialed by the user.


    The duration of the recording.

    End Time

    The end time of the recording.

    Flag Name

    The name of the flag applied to the recording.

    Flag Value

    The value of the flag applied to the recording.

    File Location

    The path to the daily media item record subfolders.

    File Name

    The name of the subfolder and file containing the media item record.

    Call ID

    A PBX-specific call identifier

    Recorded By

    "System" if the call is recorded automatically (according to a profile); otherwise, the user name for user-initiated recordings.

  8. Select a media item to include in the evaluation. You may also select multiple items to include in the evaluation by holding CTRL and clicking on each item or holding Shift and selecting a range of item s from the list.

    All media items selected have to be from the same user to start a new evaluation.

Starting an Evaluation

After completing all of the necessary criteria for an evaluation, the evaluation should be started.

To start an evaluation, complete the following step.

See Also:

Editing Evaluations

Searching Evaluations

Agent Evaluation Reports