The Audit Log contains records of key events that happen when the Quality Management Client is used, so that this information can be used in security audits.
The Audit Log can be viewed only by Users with the Change System Settings permission set in their Security Profile.
Administrators can:
Enable and disable audit logging.
Set the audit record retention period - Log records older than the retention period are automatically deleted from the database to reduce its size. A record of the deletion is written to the log.
To enable/disable Audit Logging, complete the following steps.
Click Administration > General.
In the Audit Settings section, select Enable Auditing to have the Quality Management Client record activities that can audited in the Audit Log. De-select the check box to disable audit logging.
In the Actions bar, click the Save button.
To set the Audit Log Retention Period, complete the following steps.
Click Administration > General.
In the Audit Settings section, set Automatically delete audit entries older than [] days to the number of days you want to retain the Audit Log records before they are automatically deleted. The default is 31 days.
In the Actions bar, click the Save button.
Adjusting the Call Audio Volume
Setting the Recording Encryption Key
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