Audit Log

The Audit Log contains a record of key events that happen when Quality Management is used, so that this information can be used in security audits.

The Audit Log can be viewed only by Users with the Change System Settings permission set in their Security Profile.

This section of the Help describes:

Viewing the audit log

To view the Audit Log, complete the following steps.

  1. Click Administration > Search Audit Log. The Search Audit Log pane displays. This pane contains:

  2. Select one or more Users. If you select no Users, the records for all the Users display.
  3. Set the Filters.
  4. Set the Search Criteria:

The audit records satisfying the settings displays.

By clicking the columns headings you can sort the records and then toggle the sort order. You can export the displayed records to a CSV file that is viewable in Excel. To do this, click Export Search Results.