If a Quality Management server is joined to a domain, Quality Management users can be imported directly from the Active Directory Store.
To import users from the Active Directory, complete the following steps.
In the navigation pane,
click Administration >
Active Directory Import. The Active Directory Import displays.
The Active Directory Import button is only available if the logged
in user has Add/Edit User
permission in the Quality Management Client.
Tip: The text at the top of
center of the import page guides you through the steps to perform
an import.
Browse the Active Directory structure in the left most pane and select the box next to any users you want to import. Click the triangle to expand the Active Directory node. The triangle disappears when a node with no children is expanded. A user selected in the Active Directory browser appears in the Import Targets pane at the lower right. If you select or clear a container object in the Active Directory browser, then it causes all the contained users to be selected or cleared.
In the Options section, configure the attributes you want to be applied to all the users in the Import Target group.
Configure the administrative attributes under the Import Options heading:
Department. The department in which the user works. Specifying a department will make it easier to find a user later.
Location. The user's physical location. Specifying a location will make it easier to find a user later.
Security Profile. This determines the Quality Management functionality the users can use. This is a mandatory field, select one of the existing profiles.
Account State. The state of the newly created User accounts. Select Active, which is the default setting, to enable users to log into the Quality Management Client and for their calls to be recorded. Apart from being Active, a user should also have a Enghouse Interactive Call Recording license. Select Inactive to inactivate the user; the Quality Management Client retains the user's details and call data, but the user cannot log into the Quality Management Client or have their calls recorded.
Configure the License Types attribute:
The availability of a given license type requires that the server be provisioned with that license type and that there is at least one unused license of that type. |
Enghouse Interactive Call Recording. Select this check box to assign an Unlimited Call Recording license to all the users in the Import Target group. Users with this type of Call Recording license are automatically assigned to the default Call Recording Profile so that their calls are automatically recorded. This profile can be overridden by selecting a different Call Recording Profile for the group of users.
On-Demand Call Recording. Select this check box to assign an On-demand Call Recording license to all the users in the Import Target group. Users with this type of Call Recording license can only have their calls recorded in real-time (as they happen). They cannot be assigned to a Call Recording Profile and they cannot have their calls recorded automatically.
Enghouse Interactive Computer Recording. Select this check box to assign a Computer Recording license to all the users in the Import Target group.
Enghouse Interactive Agent Evaluation. Select this check box to assign an agent evaluation license to all the users in the Import Target group.
Configure the Call Recording Settings attribute (available only if users are optioned with one of the Call Recording license types):
Recording Server. The name of the network device hosting the Call Recording service where all the users in the Import Target group will be recorded. This is a mandatory field, select one of the existing servers.
Recording Profile. The name of the Recording Profile that all the users in the Import Target group will be assigned to. This is only available if the users are optioned with a Call Recording license. If no selection is made, then all users in the Import Target group will be assigned to the default Call Recording Profile.
Privacy Enabled. Select this check box to prevent all the users in the Import Target group from being recorded, even if engaged in a call with another user that is being recorded.
Lookback Recording Enabled. Select this check box for all the users in the Import Target group to be able to start recording at any time during a call and still record the entire call.
Imported extension manipulation.
Use only last. n. Select this check box to import only the last n digits of the telephone extension from the Active Directory Store for each user in the Import Target group. The extension to be imported is updated in the table display of each user's details as these parameters are changed.
Use Telephone/Use SIP line/Prefer Tele over SIP/Prefer SIP over Tele. These four check boxes are only available if the selected Recording Server is a Microsoft Lync based PBX. Select Use Telephone to always populate the extension for imported users from the telephone attribute in Active Directory. Select Use SIP Line to always populate the extension for imported users from the telephone attribute in the Lync database. Select Prefer Telephone over SIP Line to use the telephone attribute in Active Directory if it is set, otherwise it will use the telephone attribute in the Lync database. Select Prefer SIP Line over telephone to use the telephone attribute in Active Directory. The extension to be imported is updated in the table display of each user's details as extension source is changed.
Configure the Computer Recording Settings attribute (available only if users are optioned with a Enghouse Interactive Computer Recording license):
Recording Profile. The name of the Computer Recording Profile that all the users are assigned. If no selection is made, then all users in the Import Target group will be assigned to the default Computer Recording Profile.
Edit any missing or
invalid data in the table displaying the details for each user in
the import target group. Any data member imported on a per user basis
can be edited in the table. All data members are required for each
user. Any user whose data is incomplete is highlighted in red and
the missing or invalid data member is outlined.
Tip: Hover over the highlighted
data member to display a detail of the issue.
Configure Per Imported User Data Members attribute:
This is not a data member that can be edited. It displays the
import status of a user in the Import Target group. Statuses are
selected for import, successfully imported and failed import.
Tip: Hovering over the
status will display a text representation of the state and any
error condition resulting in a failed import.
First Name. The first name of the user.
Last Name. The last name of the user.
Username. The username used by the user to log into Quality Management Client. The member should consists of alphanumeric characters only.
Password. The password used by the user to log into Quality Management Client. The member should consists of alphanumeric characters only.
Extension. The user's primary recorded telephone extension. This member is only visible if the users in the Import Target group have been optioned with one of the Call Recording license types. The member should consist of numeric characters only.
Windows Login. The user's Windows login in domain\Username format.
Endpoint IP Address. The IP address of the user's phone. This member is only visible if the users in the Import Target group have been optioned with one of the Call Recording license types. The member should contain a valid IP address or "".
SIP URL. The SIP URI associated with the user. This member is only visible if the users in the Import Target group are being associated with a Lync based Recording Service. The SIP URI should be specified as sip:<name>@<address>
Edit any conflicted
data in the table displaying the details for each user in the Import
Target group. The majority of members need to have unique values when
compared to other users in the Import Target group. Two or more imported
users cannot have the same username, extension, Windows login, Endpoint
IP Address (if not or SIP URI. Conflicting rows are highlighted
in red and the conflicting data member is outlined.
Tip: Hover over the conflicted
data member to display a detail of the issue.
Click the Import button in the Actions bar. Each user in the Import Target group is created as a Quality Management Client user. The status member associated with each user is updated to reflect the result of each individual user import.
Importing/Exporting User Details
Using Windows Authentication as Client Login
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