Editing Media Processing Services
Users with the Change System Settings permission in their Security Profile can edit the services.
To edit the services click the navigation icon and then click the Services link from the administration sub-menu. The Services tab displays containing the list of services. To edit a media processing service, complete the following steps.
- Click the
button on the media processing service you wish to edit.
- Edit the Service Details section as required:
- Address override - this IP address is used when the host address is not directly reachable. Leave this blank if you do not need an override address.
- Pool Name (optional) – enter the name of an MPS pool for this MPS to join or create. After creating an MPS pool, the pool can then be assigned to Call Recording Services, at which time the Call Recording Service will distribute recordings to be converted across all members of the pool.
- Edit the Notifications section as required, to send Media Processing Service Notifications to the Windows Event Log:
- You can choose to send notifications to the Windows event log, to an email address list, or both. Click the Windows Event Log Alerts check box, Use Emails Alerts, or both.
- When you select the Use Email Alerts check box, you will be asked information about the SMTP Server, SMTP Port and From Email Address that will be sending the notifications.
- Enter in one or more Alert Email Address(es) that should receive notifications, separate by commas.
- Select the Alert Language in which notification alerts should be sent.
- If the SMTP server requires the user sending the emails to be authenticated, then check the SMTP Server requires authentication check box.
- Enter in the User name and Password if required by the SMTP server.
- Edit the Storage Policy section as required:
- Local Storage Location – must be a valid path to the local storage location on the media processing server. If installing the media processing service on a server that also has a call recording service, it is recommended that the media processing service share a local storage location with the call recording service to save on disk IO needs.
- Notify when drive is [] % full - when the local storage drive is this percentage full, send an email notification to the designated address.
- Edit the Transcription Engine Settings as required:
NOTE: If the MPS is a member of a pool, transcription configuration changes (except the NTE Callback URL MPS Host value when using the Nuance Transcription Engine) made on one member of the MPS pool will be propagated to all members of the pool.
- Enable Transcription – check this box to enable and configure Transcription settings.
Transcription Engine Type – select the type of transcription service to use from the drop-down list.
Transcription Server List – select the transcription server from the drop-down list that should be associated with this MPS.
Should MPS Store Transcription Attempt Data – check the box to enable saving of transcription attempt data to the database.
Max Number of Active Transcription Requests – Enter the maximum number of requests that can be active on the transcription service at one time. If the maximum is reached, QMS will place new requests in a queue for processing after the number of active requests is below the maximum.
- When using a Nuance Transcription Engine (NTE) Server:
- NTE Host Address – enter the IP Address or hostname of the NTE Server.
- NTE Host Port – enter the port number to communicate with the NTE Server.
- NTE Callback URL – enter the callback URL that NTE will use to send results back to QMS. This is typically in the form of http(s)://<MPS Host>:4459/
- FLA Host Address – enter the IP Address or hostname of the Nuance FlexNet License Administrator server.
- FLA Host Port – enter the port number to communicate to the FLA server.
When using an Amazon Transcribe Server:
Add or Edit Amazon Transcribe Servers:
Access Key ID – enter the access key for the Amazon account to be used for transcribing.
Secret Key – enter the secret key for the Amazon account to be used for transcribing.
Server Regions – select the region where the Amazon account resides from the drop-down.
Amazon S3 Location – enter the Amazon S3 storage location that will be used for uploading source audio files and holding transcription results files.
Test Connection – click the button to test the settings entered in the above fields.
- Click the Save button to save the settings for the service.
See also:
Editing Call Recording Services