Upgrading Quality Management

The system being upgraded needs to run CallRex 4.0.x or later. The server should also have at least 100 MB free drive space available. The following instructions only apply to main server upgrades. The utility does not apply to Data Collector upgrades.


To install the upgrade, complete the following steps.

  1. Contact Telrex support to access the upgrade tool.

  2. Telrex will email you a link to the Upgrade software.

  3. Log into the Quality Management Server as the administrator.

  4. Click on the link and save the Upgrade.zip to your desktop.

  5. Unzip the folder and place in a temporary directory - the desktop is a good choice.

  6. Close any Quality Management Clients that are running.

  7. Run the file CallRexUpgrader.exe.

    1. During the upgrade process, a backup of your database and related binary files will be created.

  8. Select the I agree to the terms and conditions... when prompted.

  9. Select the Continue button.

  10. When the update tool runs, you will see a status screen which will indicate the update progress.

  11. Just prior to the finish, you will be prompted to update the Quality Management Client. Click OK.

  12. Scroll down to the bottom of the status screen to see if it says upgrade successful.

  13. If the update fails, you will be returned to your previous version; see the Troubleshooting section below to diagnose any upgrade failures.

  14. Login to the Quality Management Client and verify that everything is working properly.


  1. If the update tool fails to upgrade your system, copy and email the status screen to support@telrex.com.

  2. To verify if all services are running, click Start > Run and execute services.msc.

  3. Verify that all Quality Management Services are started.