Mixed-Mode Recording

This type of deployment is useful in an organization that make port either cumbersome to configure due to changes required in network switches or cost-prohibitive due to the need for expensive mirroring hardware but necessitates the recording of OC Hardphones. All traffic to/from the hardphones can be mirrored to the Quality Management Server and the rest of the organization with softphones can use the End-point based deployment model.

Important note: Care should be taken to configure this type of deployment to ensure duplicate traffic is not introduced to the Quality Management Server i.e., Port Mirroring traffic should be from a definite set of devices and RTP Data Collector traffic from another set of devices with no overlaps. The network port of a PC whose audio is forked via RTP DataCollector to the Quality Management Server should not be mirrored on the network switch as this would result in duplicate packets on the Quality Management Server. Although the Quality Management Server is equipped to handle duplicate streams, such a scenario would needlessly increase the load and consume additional network bandwidth.


See Also:

Endpoint-based Recording

Server-based Recording

Remote Deployment