Call Recording SmartQuality Settings

SmartQuality Settings allows the administrator to define the automatic SmartQuality processing behavior for the call recording profile. This feature is only available if your QMS system has Transcriptions enabled and is integrated with a SmartQuality Process Service.

To configure automatic SmartQuality processing complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Enable SmartQuality analysis checkbox.

  2. Select the SmartQuality server to use from the SmartQuality Server List drop-down.

  3. Specify the Process Path that the SmartQuality server will use when processing submissions from the call recording profile.

  4. To add a new SmartQuality server or edit an existing SmartQuality server, click the respective button to the right of the SmartQuality Server List drop-down and fill in the following fields in the SmartQuality Server Settings form:

  1. Process Server Base URL – the protocol and hostname URL segments for the SmartQualilty server, e.g.

  2. Process Server Port – the default value is 0, which uses the default port defined on the SmartQuality server. This value should only be edited if instructed to do so by Enghouse Support.

  3. Process Query Path – the URL segment representing the path used by QMS to retrieve certain statistical information from SmartQuality. The default value should only be changed if instructed to do so by Enghouse Support.

  4. Maximum Number of Active Requests – the maximum number of requests that can be active on the SmartQuality server at one time. If the maximum has been reached, QMS will queue up SmartQuality requests and submit them only when the active request count drops below the maximum.

  1. To delete a SmartQuality server, select it in the drop-down list, then click the delete button which is the right-most button to the right of the SmartQuality Server List drop-down.

    Note Deleting a SmartQuality server is a system-wide change—any other text or call recording profile that used the deleted SmartQuality server will need to have a new server selected.

See Also

Adding Call Recording Profiles

Editing Call Recording Profiles

Call Recording Transcription Settings

On-Demand SmartQuality Settings