Searching an Evaluation

To search an evaluation, complete the following steps.

  1. Click on the Search Evaluations button under the Agent Evaluation section of the menu bar. The Search Evaluation page displays. Once in the search evaluation page, the last 30 days of evaluations for users that the logged in user manages display. To search for a different list of evaluations, define the search criteria.

  2. Select a user to include in the search or select All  to include all users in the search. The user list contains users that have an Agent Evaluation and are manage by the logged in user. Administrators are presented with all users that have an Agent Evaluation license.

  3. Select a single evaluator to include in the search or select All  to include all of the evaluators in the search.

  4. Select a scorecard, scorecard category, or all scorecards.

    1. Scorecard - Evaluations using this scorecard are included in the search.

    2. Scorecard Category - Evaluations using any scorecard in this category are included in the search.

    3. All Scorecards - Evaluations using any scorecard are included in the search.

  5. Set the evaluation created date. Select one of the following options:

    1. Any - Evaluations with any created date are included in the search.

    2. Last X Days - Evaluations created in the last X days are included in the search.

    3. Range - Evaluations with a created date that falls in the defined date range are included in the search.

  6. Select Include Incomplete Evaluations if you want to include incomplete evaluations in the search.

  7. Select Include Complete Evaluations if you want to include complete evaluations in the search.

  8. Click the Search button in the Actions bar. The evaluation records display satisfying the search criteria listed. You can view the following data columns:




    Edit or View button

    User Name

    Name of the user being evaluated


    Name of the evaluator


    Name of the scorecard being used for the evaluation


    Displays whether the evaluation is in Draft or Final mode


    Displays the progress percentage or Completed if 100% progress


    Displays the score for the evaluation

    Created Date

    Date the evaluation was created

    Modified Date

    Date the evaluation was last modified


    Delete button

See Also:

Editing and Viewing an Evaluation

Deleting an Evaluation