Users with the appropriate Security Profile can replay recorded calls. If your profile contains the Change System Settings permission you can also display the audit events for that recording on the playback page.
To play a recorded call, complete the following steps.
View recorded calls and select the one to play.
Chain segment recordings are flagged with a chain icon. |
In the list Actions bar, click the Play button. A page for replaying the call displays. The call is replayed as you access the page. The page tab contains the user's name and a unique call identifier. The page contains a spectrogram of the call and controls for replaying the spectrogram. The text to the right of the controls displays the time offset within the recording while replaying it, and the name of the recording file. The page also contains any Flags, Description, and Notes that have been applied to the call; you can edit these as required. If you have the appropriate permission, the foot of the page displays the Audit Log records for the call. You can export the record to a CSV file by clicking the Export Search Results button in the Actions bar.
To pause or resume playing the call, use the controls below the spectrogram. If you stop the replay, starting it again plays the call from the beginning.
You can apply a flag to the call, add a description of the call or some notes. To save any changes to the flags, description, or notes, click the Save button in the Actions bar below the spectrogram.
To access the Recording Chain Segment List, complete the following steps.
View recorded calls and select the one to play.
In the Actions bar, click the Play button. A playback tab opens for the recording and a New Recording List section displays at the top of the page. This section list the extension, the first name, the last name of the user connected to the call during the recording, along with the start time and the length of the recording segments. The recordings are in chronological order. In the recording chain list grid, the row containing the selected recording (the recording controlled by the Audio Playback section) is shown in bold text. If the recording is a chain segment, then the spectrogram will follow the recording chain segment list and may provide links to the new topic.
In the header of the Recording Chain Segment List section, there are four Actions buttons: Play Previous, Play Next, Play Selected, and Export Chain. The Play Previous button is enabled as long as the current (bolded) recording is not the first recording in the list. The Play Selected button is enabled when any row in the list grid is selected.
If you select another recording from the list for playback it will result in a new playback tab being opened for the recording; if a playback tab is already open for the recording, that tab becomes active. |
The Export Chain button concatenates the list of chain segment recordings into a single wave file and saves it to a path specified by the user.
For more information on call chains, refer to the About Call Chains topic.
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