Recording Calls in Real-time
Quality Management can record calls either:
- As they happen (in real-time). This is available to users with either an Unlimited Call Recording license or an On Demand Call Recording license. This is the only type of recording available to users with On Demand Call Recording licenses.
- Automatically, according to a Call Recording Profile. This is available only to users with an Unlimited Call Recording license. Users with On Demand licenses are not assigned to a Call Recording Profile and cannot be recorded automatically.
To record calls in real-time click the navigation icon and select a user engaged in a call (status is on phone). Left click the selected user to bring up the context menu:
- Record – click to start recording. If the user has Lookback Recording Enabled, a lookback recording is made.
This menu action is disabled if the call is already being recorded automatically. |
- Stop Recording - click to stop recording.
This menu action is available only when the recording was initiated by you. If the recording was started automatically the menu action is not available. |
- Pause/Resume - when recording, click to pause real-time or automatic recording; when paused, click to resume recording.
This menu action is available only if you have Pause User Recording permission and if the recording was either started by you or it is your call that is being recorded. If the call ends while recording is paused, recording stops and the Pause control becomes inactive. The recording will contain silence for the paused interval. Depending on your phone system, Users can start recording their current call set by pressing ** on their phone keypad. They can stop recording by pressing ##. |