Assigning Users to a Security Profile

Users with the Change System Settings permission in their Security Profile can assign users to a security profile.

To assign users to a security profile click the navigation icon and then click the Security Profiles link from the administration sub-menu. The Security Profiles tab displays containing the list of security profiles. To assign users to a security profile, complete the following steps:

  1. Select a single security profile on the security profiles table and click the icon.
  2. A new tab will open with the security profile name in the tab title.
  3. Click the button on the action bar located at the top right of the edit security profile tab.
  4. A new tab will open with the security profile name and Membership in the tab title. This tab contains two column: Profile Members lists all users currently assigned to the profile, and Profile Non-Members lists all users not currently assigned to the profile.
  5. Use the arrow buttons to move users from one list to the other.

See Also:

Adding Security Profiles

Editing Security Profiles

Deleting Security Profiles